.*sefalı~![oto+*bor]~ Orphanet Syndrome BOR
Fiche pathologie SYNDROME BOR BronchioOtoRénal
Branchiootorenal syndrome identification of novel PubMed
Novel likely pathogenic variant in the EYA1 gene causing
BranchioOtoRenal Syndrome BOR novel mutations in the
Branchiootorenal syndrome BOR novel mutations in the
syndrome branchio oto rénal CISMeF
Branchiootorenal syndrome Wikipedia
From clinical to molecular
diagnosis relevance of diagnostic
Branchiootorenal syndrome comprehensive review based on
Genomic Landscape of BranchioOtoRenal Syndrome through
Branchio‐ oto ‐renal syndrome BOR novel mutations in the
Otobor Spray Auric 50Ml
Clinically diverse phenotypes and genotypes of patients with
PDF Molecular Genetic Causes and Clinical ResearchGate
A human homologue of the Drosophila eyes absent gene