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Sozdar Avesta şerê li dijî dagirkeriya Tirk û hevkariya PDK'ê
Racing the Clock to Document ISIS Genocide of
Iraq’s Yazidis
The KCK Solution for the
Êzîdî Community KCKInfo
Avesta Serketin bi berxwedan û têkoşînê dibe Radio Dengê
Interview with Sozdar Avesta from July 31 2021 nude video
Sozdar Avesta şerê Tevgera me yê li dijî dagirkeriya
Başûrê Paris rally Sozdar Avesta calls on women to defend themselves
calkurdorg Sozdar Avesta welcomes the ‘Defend Kurdistan’ initiative
Sozdar Avesta
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Interview with Duran Kalkan from
June 21 2021
Interview with Duran Kalkan
from September 23 2021
Avesta We are closer than ever
to achieve Öcalan's freedom