Successful Use of Celox Chitosan as a Haemostatic Agent in
cerahi işlemlerinde uygulanan lokal hemostatik ajanların
Oral Cerrahi Girişimlerde Lokal Hemostatik Ajan Kullanımı
Overview of Agents Used for Emergency Hemostasis PMC
Prof Dr Hakan İsmail SARI
Hemostatic Agent FirstClot
Advances in Topical Hemostatic Agent Therapies A
Prof Dr Mehmet
Hilmi Doğu Liv Hospital
Periodontal Mukogingival Cerrahi İşlemlerde
Hemostatik Ajan Systematic review of hemostatic agents used in vascular surgery
The Effectiveness of a New Hemostatic Agent Ankaferd Blood
Journal of International Dental Sciences
Local and systemic hemostatics
in trauma a review
Topical haemostatic agents in surgery
Celox as a Novel Topical Haemostatic Agent in Cardiac Surgery
Overview of
topical hemostatic agents and tissue adhesives
Türkiye Klinikleri
PDF Lokal Hemostatik Ajanlar ResearchGate